Saturday, February 17, 2007


the new bathroom- revealed!

For those of you who had to suffer through my descriptions of redoing the bathroom... here's the last word (maybe). This vanity began as a slightly beat up buffet, lost a few inches in height, lost the left cabinet, had some inches routed out of the top, and we laid marble tiles and a sink in it. We also put in a new travertine stone floor- I cut every piece of the floor and vanity, and my old jacket has the stone dust to prove it! So worth it- the old bathroom had peeling vinyl and a small sized vanity with a top that went all the way across the bathroom and a mirror with those huge bulbs all the way around.- we should have taken a picture!
I kind of wish we could take vanity and floor with us when we move! Oh well, we'll probably just make another one when we get there!

Kristine, that is fabulous!!! I can't believe you guys did that!
Thanks E! We worked really hard on it, and luck merged with patience and Chris's talent for managing projects! I still have to make the curtains, so it's not entirely finished yet. :) maybe I'll have a spin in when I finally get that done.
Kristine, I love the bathroom...hope you do have a spin-in (with knitters allowed!) so I can see it in person! Congrats!

So pretty! You should be on DIY network or something. Do you have a before photo?
A spin in sounds super! Good luck on the finishing touches:-)
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