Saturday, September 03, 2005


Cryptic post explained...

If you can't read my mind, here's the news... I am the new owner of a gently used Louet S10....

it was an Ebay purchase, and was a little bit more expensive than I had planned on spending but after doing some research I decided I didn't want to go with an Ashford wheel. Although plenty of people LOVE their Ashford wheels, I've heard they squeak a bit, and I'm hoping to spin while others watch TV.

Ideally, I would have wanted a Baynes upright colonial wheel- beautiful, but about $150- 200 outside of what I wanted to spend, and the Louet wheel came online for less than half the price of a new S10.

Elizabeth.... I'm probably going to have a ton of questions- I'll try not to bug you too much, but you are the most advanced spinner I know :) in person at least!

Bug away ! I am not by any means advanced but I'll help out any way i can! We will have to have a spin in at my house. We have another guild member that just bought a wheel. That makes three of us! I have the alden Amos book. It's extremely technical but you are welcome to borrow it. I also have a spinning video I'd have to find it but it is a very good one.
let me know.
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