Thursday, February 03, 2005


Winds of change

I was watching CNN on Tuesday, actually I was flipping through and stopped, because Newt Gingrich was on. (I love to hate Newt) He's written a new book, called "Winning the Future" which according to reviews, has some pretty bad reasoning. The New York times reviewer writes that some chapters suggest that the author is trying to reposition himself within the Republican Party.
I totally agree.
I watched Newtie tell the interviewer that the Republican party doesn't care enough about the enviroment. It was surreal. Then I had to change channels before he started supporting welfare, my head would explode if that happened. That said- let's brace ourselves in case Newt decides to run in 2008- God help us all. For a frightening review- see

ps- I found this on a website- not sure about the legitimacy... but it's pretty funny
"Incidentally, Marianne told Gail Sheehy she doesn't want Newt to run for President. " I told him if I'm not in agreement, fine, it's easy. I just go on the air the next day, and I undermine everything. ... I don't want him to be president and I don't think he should be."

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